‘n Maand vir elke bord | A month on a plate

Tina-Marié Malherbe’s passion for illustration, botanicals and blue combine almost seamlessly with a sense of time (months of the year) and a love for Afrikaans words and verse on her ‘n Maand vir elke bord’.

Tina-Marié picks plants instinctively and for weeks presses her collection of leaves and flowers in large flower presses. When they are properly dried, she mounts the delicate pressed plants – roots, stems, leaves and flowers - with fine strips of masking tape on large sheets of paper, artworks on their own. 

The next step takes her to her ceramics. Inspired by the delicate patterns of the plants, she allows them to gain a new life on her white plates and bowls, exquisitely illustrated in hues of blue. 

It’s the delicate vulnerability of the poppy or the nastursium that attracts her, but also their strength and endurance. She focuses on capturing their finest qualities, sometimes even carefully dissecting small stamens, interpreting how they make her feel, rather than taking a photorealistic approach.  


“Ek skets graag opslagplante soos surings, kappertjies en papawers. Kappertjies voel of hulle van die bord afbeur, hulle is so lewenslustig, weerbarstig en ongetem.

Ek werk saam met die seisoene en druk plante droog tussen lae papier. Dan ruik en voel my studio soos ‘n kweek-huis, die lug klam. Terwyl hulle stadig droog word oor die weke, ruil ek die papiere om en vorm die lote met my vingers totdat hulle mooi lê.

Ek teken graag blare, ranke, loof en blomme met kelke. Dan sny ek met my fyn messie deur die kelk en teken hoe die stempel en stuifmeeldrade lyk.”